Base Metals futures
Mitigate base metals risk, view transparent prices, and explore extensive trading opportunities with our suite of cost-competitive products.
Access the liquidity you need
Tap into the liquidity of our benchmark Copper contracts and rapidly growing Aluminum contracts.
Trade in orderly, fair markets
Dynamic circuit breakers, position limits, twice daily mark-to-market, oversight by CME Clearing, Market Reg, and CFTC help ensure integrity.
Maximize capital efficiency
Add savings from eligible margin offsets across Metals contracts and the efficiency of using one clearinghouse.
Base Metals News and Events
Get the latest updates on the Base Metals futures and options markets with product news and information, macro trends, and more.
Base Metals products
Learn about the products we offer that provide opportunities to mitigate the risk involved in the base metals markets.
CME Direct
Gain access to the CME Group futures, options, and block markets on one screen ‒ using this fast, secure, and highly configurable trading front-end.
CME ClearPort
Access a flexible suite of clearing services and capabilities and gain the advantages of security, efficiency, and confidence.
Tools for your trading strategy
Explore our industry-leading tools to gain insights that inform the way you trade.
Open Interest Profile Tool
Analyze open interest and open interest change patterns for each expiration within the selected product.
Other tools for the trade
Product analysis and commentary: Turn ideas into action
Follow the latest product research to manage base metals risk and reduce portfolio volatility.
Base Metals market insights
Explore our industry-leading tools to gain insights that inform the way you trade.
Contact a Metals expert
Connect with a member of our expert team by emailing us at to get more information about our products.