Conversion Calculator

Crack Spreads

The crack spread represents the theoretical refining margin. If a crack spread is a positive number then the price of the refined products is higher than that of crude oil, the raw material, and the spread is profitable. If the spread is a negative number, the products are priced at less than the cost of crude and are not profitable.

The 3-2-1 crack spread is a commonly used formula in the oil industry, expresses the theoretical margin in dollars per barrel.

   X (Heating Oil: $ per gallon x 42) rowtotal: TESTING PURPOSES ONLY
   X (Gasoline: $ per gallon x 42) rowtotal: TESTING PURPOSES ONLY
minus  X (Crude Oil: $ per barrel) rowtotal: TESTING PURPOSES ONLY
  Crack Spread: $ per barrel

   X (Heating Oil: $ per gallon x 42) rowtotal: TESTING PURPOSES ONLY
minus  X (Crude Oil: $ per barrel) rowtotal: TESTING PURPOSES ONLY
  Crack Spread: $ per barrel

   X (Gasoline: $ per gallon x 42) rowtotal: TESTING PURPOSES ONLY
minus  X (Crude Oil: $ per barrel) rowtotal: TESTING PURPOSES ONLY
  Crack Spread: $ per barrel