USD Malaysian Crude Palm Oil futures volume and open interest

In December 2024, Crude Palm Oil volume totaled 14,048 lots (351,200 metric tons) and the end-of-month open interest (OI) was 27,436 lots (685,900 metric tons).

Volume in the first three contract months was 7,950, which was about 57% of the total monthly volume.

End-of-month OI in the first three contract months was 16,932, which was about 62% of the total OI.

In 2024, CME Crude Palm Oil achieved 1.6% Y-o-Y growth with a total volume of 301,095 contracts cleared, the highest in history.

USD Malaysian Crude Palm Oil price and volatility

USD Malaysian Crude Palm Oil futures* settled at $978.50 per metric ton at the end of December 2024, creating a -$137.75 price movement from a month ago.

During the month, 20-day rolling volatility ranged from 29.6% to 36.2%, with an average of 33.8%.

Bean Oil – Palm Oil Spread, Palm Oil – Gasoil Spread, and Palm Oil FOB Indonesia basis price

Bean Oil – Palm Oil (BOPO)** price increased from -$198.91 per ton at the end of the previous month, to -$101.50 per ton at the end of December 2024. The monthly movement was $97.41.

Palm Oil – Gasoil (POGO)*** decreased from $442.50 per ton at the end of the previous month, to $285.80 per ton at the end of the month. The monthly movement was -$156.71.

The FOB Indonesia Basis****, the price spread between Indonesian and Malaysian crude palm oil, increased from $58.75 per ton at the end of the previous month, to $231.50 per ton at the end of the month. The monthly movement was $172.75.

Indonesian crude palm oil prices were not assessed during May 2022. In addition, the FOB Indonesia basis prices starting June 2022 were calculated using Refinitiv crude palm oil FOB Indonesia second forward month prices, instead of the third forward month.

* Based on USD Malaysian Crude Palm Oil futures first nearby contract month that is not in the monthly averaging period. Contract month rolls at the beginning of each month.

** Defined as the differential of settlement price between front month CBOT Soybean Oil futures converted into USD/MT and USD Malaysian Crude Palm Oil futures first nearby contract month that is not in the monthly averaging period.

*** Defined as the differential of settlement price between USD Malaysian Crude Palm Oil futures and European Low Sulphur Gasoil futures first nearby contract months that are not in the monthly averaging period.

**** Calculated as the differential between the Refinitiv crude palm oil FOB Indonesia third forward month price and the settlement price of USD Malaysian Crude Palm Oil futures first nearby contract month that is not in the monthly averaging period.

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