• Universidad De Guadalajara takes Top Honors
  • First place team based in Latin America for fourth consecutive year and in Mexico for second year in a row

CHICAGO, Nov. 30, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- CME Group, the world's leading derivatives marketplace, today announced the winners of its 20th annual University Trading Challenge, led by Universidad De Guadalajara in Mexico, the fourth consecutive time a team from Latin America and second consecutive time a team from Mexico earns top honors in the global competition.

                    20th Annual CME Group University Trading Challenge Winners                    

Team Position

University Name


First Place

Universidad De Guadalajara


Second Place

Christopher Newport University

United States

Third Place

University of Colorado

United States

Fourth Place

Georgia Institute of Technology

United States

Fifth Place

Universidad de Medellin


This year's four-week competition included more than 400 teams of 1,865 students from 24 countries. Participants represented 156 universities around the world.

Students learned hands-on techniques for trading agriculture, energy, metals, equity indices, interest rates and foreign exchange futures contracts using CQG's real-time simulated electronic trading platform. Throughout the challenge, students also received live market updates through Dow Jones newsfeeds and The Hightower Report.

"We congratulate the students from around the world who participated in our 20th CME Group University Trading Challenge," said Anita Liskey, CME Group Senior Managing Director of Global Brand Marketing and Communications. "In today's uncertain global economy, risk management is more important than ever, and CME Group's University Trading Challenge provides the next generation of traders and risk managers with a unique, hands-on experience to explore the world of trading and build the skills they need for future careers in finance."

"Congratulations to all of the winners and participants in this year's University Trading Challenge," said Pat Kenny, SVP of Client Relations at CQG. "CQG remains committed to educating the next generation of derivatives traders. The competition offers students the unique opportunity to make trading decisions based on real-time CME Group data, CQG's analytics, commentary and real-time news feeds from Dow Jones, and executed with CQG's premier trade routing technology."

"CME Group's University Trading Challenge motivates students and opens their minds to immense opportunities," said Maf. Luis Nicolau, Specialist in Derivative Financial Instruments at Universidad De Guadalajara. "We are proud of our students for participating in this year's challenge and admire CME Group for reaching out to students all over the world to participate."

Students on the top five winning teams receive cash prizes, if eligible, and all participants from this year's trading challenge are invited to attend an exclusive one-day, in-person market education event on December 4.

CME Group provides a wide range of risk management education, including its CME Institute education hub, which offers detailed courses, webinars and videos on trading futures on options markets, as well as a trading simulator.

CME Group also partners with other industry organizations to offer educational tools, such as Futures Fundamentals, a one-stop educational resource to help learners of all levels understand futures markets and the role they play in everyday life.

About CME Group

As the world's leading derivatives marketplace, CME Group (www.cmegroup.com) enables clients to trade futures, options, cash and OTC markets, optimize portfolios, and analyze data – empowering market participants worldwide to efficiently manage risk and capture opportunities. CME Group exchanges offer the widest range of global benchmark products across all major asset classes based on interest ratesequity indexesforeign exchangeenergyagricultural products and metals. The company offers futures and options on futures trading through the CME Globex platform, fixed income trading via BrokerTec and foreign exchange trading on the EBS platform. In addition, it operates one of the world's leading central counterparty clearing providers, CME Clearing. 

CME Group, the Globe logo, CME, Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Globex, and, E-mini are trademarks of Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. CBOT and Chicago Board of Trade are trademarks of Board of Trade of the City of Chicago, Inc. NYMEX, New York Mercantile Exchange and ClearPort are trademarks of New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc. COMEX is a trademark of Commodity Exchange, Inc. BrokerTec and EBS are trademarks of BrokerTec Europe LTD and EBS Group LTD, respectively. The S&P 500 Index is a product of S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC ("S&P DJI"). "S&P®", "S&P 500®", "SPY®", "SPX®", US 500 and The 500 are trademarks of Standard & Poor's Financial Services LLC; Dow Jones®, DJIA® and Dow Jones Industrial Average are service and/or trademarks of Dow Jones Trademark Holdings LLC. These trademarks have been licensed for use by Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. Futures contracts based on the S&P 500 Index are not sponsored, endorsed, marketed, or promoted by S&P DJI, and S&P DJI makes no representation regarding the advisability of investing in such products. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.



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