FX Basis Trade at Index Close (BTIC) and BTIC+

Accurately manage and hedge exposure to the WM/Refinitiv (WMR) benchmark rate in advance of its publication using BTIC functionality on cleared, listed FX futures.

Directly hedge the London FX fix

More precisely capture the 4:00 p.m. London WMR benchmark rate. Gain exposure to today’s rate or the month-end rate, simply and directly.

Access a complementary pool of liquidity

Trade on the firm liquidity of futures in the central limit order book or privately negotiate block trades to execute the trades you need at a single price.

Minimize costs, gain efficiencies

Optimize transaction costs and balance sheet impacts by trading in an anonymous, all-to-all marketplace, with the efficiencies of cleared, netted FX futures.

Trade like standard futures

FX BTIC and BTIC+ trade just like any other futures contract. Speak to your broker or use CME Direct to see pricing. FX BTIC ticker: 6EB and FX BTIC+ ticker: 6EP.



Find in-depth answers relating to FX BTIC and BTIC+ transactions, including product information, transaction timings and variation margin mechanics.

How FX BTIC and BTIC+ trades work

BTIC and BTIC+ transactions provide the bridge between the published benchmark fixing rate and the futures market. At any point during the trading session, a buyer and seller agree to a basis, which represents the spread between the futures and the official fixing rate.

BTIC - occurs within the single trading session immediately preceding the next available publication of the fixing rate.


CME Ticker

BTIC+ - allows market participants to trade futures at a basis to the official fixing rate published on the last business day of the current calendar month.


CME Ticker

Once the fixing rate is published, the futures trade occurs at the closing index level plus the agreed-upon basis. Trades can happen via firm pricing in the central limit order book and also via privately negotiated block transactions.

About FX BTIC and BTIC+

Educational resources

Vendor codes

CME Group Name/Venues/Symbols CME Group Bloomberg CQG DTN, Inc Fidessa (ION) FIS Global ION Group Itiviti Refinitiv Trading Technologies Vela Trading Systems
CME Group Product Name  Futures/
Globex ClearPort All Venues All Venues All Venues All Venues All Venues All Venues All Venues Composite All Venues All Venues
BTIC on EUR/USD Futures Futures  6EB 6EB IEDA    G6EB @6EB 6EB 6EB 6EB 6EB  UROB 6EB 6EB
Nearby BTIC+ on EUR/USD Futures Futures  6EP 6EP JEDA    G6EP @6EP  6EP 6EP 6EP 6EP  UROP 6EP 6EP

Pricing of FX BTIC and BTIC+ trades

View basis bid, ask, and trade prices based on how they are transacted:

In the central limit order book 1/20 of a pip increments (0.000005)
Like FX Link (CME Group’s basis spread between FX futures and the OTC FX spot market).
Via blocks 1/100 of a pip increments (0.000001).
Block trading parameters will be consistent with EUR/USD futures: minimum quantity of 150 contracts and reporting window of 15 minutes.


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