Hedge against biodiesel price swings

As demand for renewable energy grows, the price of used cooking oil, a key feedstock for biodiesel production, can be volatile. With 23-hour access, you can trade a standardized, transparent contract, listed in metric tons, to stabilize price risk associated with emerging renewable fuels.

Features and benefits

Lock in prices, stabilize costs

Harness rising UCO use in greener diesel products to manage feedstock exposure with risk-based hedging.

Access transparency and price discovery

Enjoy the advantage of a well-regulated, liquid market to manage risk tied to input costs.

Hedge feedstock price shifts

Spread trade UCO futures and Soybean Oil futures to capitalize or mitigate risk on price shifts in key feedstocks for biodiesel production.

Trade in metric tons

Choose a contract designed for traders and producers operating in different regions, using different measurement systems.


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