1. What CME Group Livestock Price Index files and web pages will be impacted by the FTP access change?

Effective November 23, 2024, CME Group will no longer host Livestock Price Index text files (.txt) data and related files on cmegroup.com/ftp/cash_settled_commodity_index_prices as the FTP site will be decommissioned. Equivalent files will be available on CME DataMine beginning February 14, 2024, and the last 5 Index prices for each respective index will be published on the website found here.

Livestock Price Index data on CME DataMine will be available at the following times each day:



Daily Data

Lean Hog Index, Pork Cutout Index, and Boxed Beef Index by 9:00 AM.
Feeder Cattle Index by 3:00 PM.


Weekly Data 

Fresh Bacon Index 1:00 PM CST every Monday or following US business day.  


Historical Data

After daily index publication


2. Where can I access historical data for CME Group Livestock Price Indices?

CME Group offers the DataMine platform to consume Livestock Price Index data. Customers may receive flat file  data delivery from DataMine via S3 transfer, API, SFTP or File Browser. For more information on data availability, formats, layout and the dataset FAQ please visit the CME DataMine Client Wiki Page.

3. Will CME Group begin charging a fee for the CME Group Livestock Price Index files?

At this time, there are no fees associated with accessing the CME Group Livestock Index files from DataMine. However, when accessing the data through DataMine, customers have the option to sign an Information License Agreement (ILA) starting February 14, 2024 or defer until year end. Please note, to access the data after December 31, 2024 an executed ILA must be completed.

4. I previously consumed CME Group Livestock Price Index files via FTP. Will I be able to continue consuming these files via FTP?

While you will no longer be able to access the CME Group Livestock Price Index files directly from the FTP, you will be able to access the same files via DataMine. To begin the process of obtaining the dataset(s), please visit CME DataMine.

5. Where can I find the schema for the Livestock Price Index DataMine files?

The schema for DataMine files can be found on the CME DataMine Client Wiki Page.

Please contact marketdata@cmegroup.com for more information.

6. Where can I find information on how CME Group calculates the Livestock Price Indices?

You can find specific information on how each Index is calculated and used by visiting the following links:

7. Why is CME Group decommissioning the current FTP site?

In an effort to continue bringing up-to-date and secure technology to our customers, CME is modernizing data delivery. FTP is an older and less secure protocol that does not encrypt data during transmission. It is also no longer supported by modern browsers, which makes supporting this protocol cumbersome.

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