• Delisting of Chinese Steel Rebar HRB400 (MySteel) Futures Contract

      • #
      • SER-7433
      • Notice Date
      • 31 August 2015
      • Effective Date
      • 31 August 2015
    • Earlier today, Monday, August 31, 2015, New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc. (“NYMEX” or “Exchange”) delisted the futures contract identified in Exhibit 1 below.

      Exhibit 1.

      Contract Title Commodity Code Rulebook Chapter
      Chinese Steel Rebar HRB400 (MySteel) Futures RBR RBR 1286

      This contract was listed for trading on CME Globex and for submission for clearing through CME ClearPort. There was no open interest in the contract.

      As a result of the delisting, the respective product rule chapters, as well as the terms and conditions contained in Rule 588.H and in the Position Limit, Position Accountability and Reportable Level Table located in the Interpretations and Special Notices Section of Chapter 5 (Trading Qualifications and Practices) of the NYMEX Rulebook were removed from the Exchange Rulebook.

      Please refer questions on this subject to: 

      Joann Arena
      (212) 299-2356