Commodity Exchange, Inc. (COMEX or Exchange) has delisted the E-mini Silver Futures contract as set out in the table below. The delisting is of this contract is a result of the Exchange’s prior announcement that the last listed contract month for this contract shall be July 2014.
As a result of the delisting, information regarding these contracts have been deleted from the respective product rule chapters, related position limits in the Position Limit, Position Accountability and Reportable Level Table located in the Interpretations and Special Notices Section of Chapter 5 (Trading Qualifications and Practices) of the COMEX Rulebook, and the CME Globex non-reviewable ranges located in Rule 588.H of the COMEX Rulebook.
Product Name |
CME Globex Code/Clearing Code |
COMEX Rulebook Chapter Number |
E-mini Silver Futures |
XSN/6Q |
408 |
The Exchange previously notified the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) of the delisting of previously listed contract months of this contract (COMEX Submission No. 10-058 dated March 2, 2010). The CFTC will be notified of the delisting of this product during the week of August 11, 2014, via the weekly notification procedures set forth in Part 40 of the CFTC Regulations.
Please refer questions on this subject to:
Joann Arena (212) 299-2356
Miguel Vias (212) 299-2358