Earlier today, Tuesday, January 21, 2014, the New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc. (NYMEX or Exchange) delisted two (2) energy futures contracts as set out in the table below. There was no open interest in these contracts. The product rule chapters and terms and conditions contained in the Position Limit, Position Accountability and Reportable Level Table located in the Interpretations and Special Notices Section of Chapter 5 (Trading Qualifications and Practices) of the NYMEX Rulebook were removed from the Exchange Rulebook.
Product Name | Commodity Code |
NYMEX Rulebook |
Gulf Coast Heating Oil (OPIS) Futures | 7O |
255 |
Gulf Coast Heating Oil (OPIS) vs. NY Harbor ULSD Futures | 7W |
256 |
Please refer questions on this subject to: Energy Research:
Funda Saygin Funda.Saygin@cmegroup.com 212.299.2338