• CNX Nifty Price Limits Effective for January 2014

      • To
      • Members, Member Firms and Market Users
      • From
      • Research and Product Development
      • #
      • SER-6986
      • Notice Date
      • 31 December 2013
      • Effective Date
      • 02 January 2014
    • Price limits for CNX Nifty index futures are revised to the following levels, effective as of commencement of Electronic Trading Hours (ETH) on Thursday, January 2, 2014, at 5:00 a.m. Chicago time. These limits shall be in force for January 2014. Limits are as follows:
      January 2014 CNX Nifty Stock Index Price Limits

      10%  up and down
      15%  up and down
      20%  up and down
      E-mini CNX Nifty
      E-micro CNX Nifty

       Exchange Rules call for the limits to be re-calculated monthly at the close of business on the day preceding the commencement of a new calendar month.The contracts are listed by and subject to the rules of CME.
      Please consult the Rulebook for a complete description of the application of the circuit breaker provisions. Or, you may wish to direct any inquiries to Lucy Wang, Research and Product Development at 312-648-5478 or lucy.wang@cmegroup.com; or John Nyhoff, Research and Product Development at 312-930-2310 or john.nyhoff@cmegroup.com.