Please be advised that effective Sunday, May 18, 2014, for trade date Monday, May 19, 2014, and pending all relevant CFTC regulatory review periods, the New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc. (“NYMEX”) will increase the initial spot month position limits (NYMEX Rule 559) for eighteen (18) natural gas futures and option contracts, and additionally increase the single month/all month accountability levels of four (4) of the natural gas futures contracts. Effective trade date May 19, 2014, the terms and conditions for these contracts will be updated and inserted into the NYMEX Position Limit, Position Accountability and Reportable Level Table located in the Interpretations and Special Notices Section of Chapter 5 of the NYMEX Rulebook.
(Bold underlining indicates additions; strikethrough indicates deletions.)
Contract Name |
Rule Chap-ter |
Com-modity Code |
Spot-Month Aggre-gate Into Futures Equiva-lent Leg (1) |
Initial Spot-Month Limit (In Net Futures Equiva-lents) Leg (1) / Leg (2) |
Single Month Account-ability Level Leg (1) / Leg (2) |
All Month Account-ability Level Leg (1) / Leg (2) |
Report-ing Level |
Dominion, South Point Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Futures |
1275 |
6200 10,000 |
10,000 12,000 |
10,000 15,000 |
25 |
Dominion, South Point Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Basis Futures |
632 |
PG |
6200 10,000 |
10,000 12,000 |
10,000 15,000 |
25 |
Dominion, South Point Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC) Index Futures |
794 |
IH |
SH |
6,200/6,200 10,000/10,000 |
10,000/10,000 12,000/12,000 |
10,000/10,000 15,000/15,000 |
25 |
Dominion, South Point Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily) Swing Futures |
784 |
SH |
SH |
6200 10,000 |
10,000 12,000 |
10,000 15,000 |
25 |
MichCon Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Basis Option |
619B |
4W |
1000 3,800 |
10,000 |
10,000 |
175 |
MichCon Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Futures |
1285 |
1000 3,800 |
10,000 |
10,000 |
25 |
MichCon Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Basis Futures |
619 |
NF |
1000 3,800 |
10,000 |
10,000 |
175 |
MichCon Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC) Index Futures |
882 |
Y8 |
T8 |
1,000/1,000 3,800/3,800 |
10,000/10,000 |
10,000/10,000 |
25 |
MichCon Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily) Swing Futures |
891 |
T8 |
T8 |
1000 3,800 |
10,000 |
10,000 |
25 |
Malin Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Futures |
1025 |
4400 6,000 |
10,000 |
10,000 |
25 |
Malin Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Basis Futures |
623 |
PB |
4400 6,000 |
10,000 |
10,000 |
25 |
Malin Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC) Index Futures |
389 |
V8 |
W9 |
4,400/4,400 6,000/6,000 |
10,000/10,000 |
10,000/10,000 |
25 |
Malin Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily) Swing Futures |
887 |
W9 |
W9 |
4400 6,000 |
10,000 |
10,000 |
25 |
Rockies Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) "Pipe" Option |
524A |
ZR |
NR |
6000 7,000 |
10,000 |
10,000 |
25 |
Rockies Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC) Index Futures |
795 |
IR |
SR |
6,000/6,000 7,000/7,000 |
10,000/10,000 |
10,000/10,000 |
25 |
Rockies Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Basis Option |
524B |
5I |
XR |
6000 7,000 |
10,000 |
10,000 |
25 |
Rockies Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Basis Futures |
524 |
NR |
XR |
6000 7,000 |
10,000 |
10,000 |
25 |
Rockies Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Futures |
1280 |
XR |
XR |
6000 7,000 |
10,000 |
10,000 |
25 |
Please refer questions on this subject to:
Market Regulation
Surveillance: Ryne Toscano (212) 299-2879
Products: Nadine Brown (212) 299-2223
Large Trader Reporting: Sandra Valtierra (312) 347-4137