• Amendments to Minimum Price Fluctuation Rules for Certain Petroleum Products

      • To
      • Members, Member Firms and Market Users
      • From
      • Market Regulation Department
      • #
      • SER-6078
      • Notice Date
      • 06 January 2012
      • Effective Date
      • 06 January 2012
    • Effective January 6, 2012, the New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc. (NYMEX or Exchange) is amending the minimum price fluctuation rules for ten (10) petroleum futures contracts (listed in the table below) to reduce the minimum price fluctuation tick from $0.01 per metric ton to $0.001 per metric ton.  The reduction in tick size is intended to align the rulebook chapters with the product specifications and current market practices. 




      Gasoil 0.1 (Platts) Cargoes CIF NWE BALMO Swap Futures



      ULSD 10ppm (Platts) Cargoes CIF NWE BALMO Swap Futures



      Gasoil 0.1 (Platts) Barges FOB Rdam BALMO Swap Futures



      Diesel 10ppm (Platts) Barges FOB Rdam BALMO Swap Futures



      Gasoil 0.1 (Platts) CIF MED BALMO Swap Futures



      ULSD 10ppm (Platts) CIF MED BALMO Swap Futures



      Gasoil 0.1 (Platts) Cargoes CIF MED Swap Futures



      Gasoil 0.1 (Platts) CIF MED vs. ICE Gasoil Swap Futures



      ULSD 10ppm (Platts) Cargoes CIF MED Swap Futures



      ULSD 10ppm (Platts) CIF MED vs. ICE Gasoil Swap Futures



      The amendments to the minimum price fluctuation rules are provided below in blackline format.

      (Underscore denotes addition; Strikethrough denotes deletion)

      Chapter 486

      Gasoil 0.1 (Platts) Cargoes CIF NWE BALMO Swap Futures

      486.05.             PRICES AND FLUCTUATIONS

      Prices shall be quoted in U.S. dollars and cents per metric ton. The minimum price fluctuation shall be $0.01 0.001 per metric ton. There shall be no maximum price fluctuation.


      Chapter 487

      ULSD 10ppm (Platts) Cargoes CIF NWE BALMO Swap Futures

      487.05.            PRICES AND FLUCTUATIONS

      Prices shall be quoted in U.S. dollars and cents per metric ton. The minimum price fluctuation shall be $0.010.001 per metric ton. There shall be no maximum price fluctuation.



      Chapter 488

      Gasoil 0.1 (Platts) Barges FOB Rdam BALMO Swap Futures

      488.05.             PRICES AND FLUCTUATIONS

      Prices shall be quoted in U.S. dollars and cents per metric ton. The minimum price fluctuation shall be $0.010.001 per metric ton. There shall be no maximum price fluctuation.


      Chapter 489

      Diesel 10ppm (Platts) Barges FOB Rdam BALMO Swap Futures

      489.05.             PRICES AND FLUCTUATIONS

      Prices shall be quoted in U.S. dollars and cents per metric ton. The minimum price fluctuation shall be $0.010.001 per metric ton. There shall be no maximum price fluctuation.

      Chapter 490

      Gasoil 0.1 (Platts) CIF MED BALMO Swap Futures

      490.05.             PRICES AND FLUCTUATIONS

      Prices shall be quoted in U.S. dollars and cents per metric ton. The minimum price fluctuation shall be $0.010.001 per metric ton. There shall be no maximum price fluctuation.

      Chapter 491

      ULSD 10ppm (Platts) CIF MED BALMO Swap Futures

      491.05.             PRICES AND FLUCTUATIONS

      Prices shall be quoted in U.S. dollars and cents per metric ton. The minimum price fluctuation shall be $0.010.001 per metric ton. There shall be no maximum price fluctuation.

      Chapter 546

      Gasoil 0.1 (Platts) Cargoes CIF MED Swap Futures

      546.05.             PRICES AND FLUCTUATIONS

      Prices shall be quoted in U.S. dollars and cents per metric ton. The minimum price fluctuation shall be $0.010.001 per metric ton. There shall be no maximum price fluctuation.

      Chapter 547

      Gasoil 0.1 (Platts) CIF MED vs. ICE Gasoil Swap Futures

      547.05.             PRICES AND FLUCTUATIONS

      Prices shall be quoted in U.S. dollars and cents per metric ton. The minimum price fluctuation shall be $0.010.001 per metric ton. There shall be no maximum price fluctuation.

      Chapter 548

      ULSD 10ppm (Platts) Cargoes CIF MED Swap Futures

      548.05.             PRICES AND FLUCTUATIONS

      Prices shall be quoted in U.S. dollars and cents per metric ton. The minimum price fluctuation shall be $0.010.001 per metric ton. There shall be no maximum price fluctuation.

      Chapter 549

      ULSD 10ppm (Platts) CIF MED vs. ICE Gasoil Swap Futures

      549.05.             PRICES AND FLUCTUATIONS

      Prices shall be quoted in U.S. dollars and cents per metric ton. The minimum price fluctuation shall be $0.010.001 per metric ton. There shall be no maximum price fluctuation.