• Expansion of Contract Months for New York Harbor HO and ULSD Futures Contracts; HO Contract to Be Discontinued Beyond April 2013 Contract Month

      • To
      • Members, Member Firms and Market Users
      • From
      • Market Regulation Department
      • #
      • SER-5854
      • Notice Date
      • 27 July 2011
      • Effective Date
      • 21 August 2011
    • Effective Sunday, August 21, 2011 for trade date Monday, August 22, 2011, the New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc. (NYMEX or Exchange) will expand the listing of contract months for its New York Harbor Heating Oil futures (HO) and New York Harbor Ultra-Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD) futures (LH) contracts listed on CME Globex, NY trading floor and CME ClearPort. 


      Due to regulatory change to lower sulfur heating oil specifications in New York State, the Exchange will only list three (3) additional months through April 2013 in the New York Harbor Heating Oil futures (HO) contract.  There will be no additional months listed in the HO contract beyond the April 2013 contract month.


      Additionally, NYMEX will expand the listed months of its New York Harbor Ultra-Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD) futures (LH) contract to the current year and the next four consecutive calendar years (plus one additional month).  The New York Harbor ULSD futures contract is listed concurrently with the HO contract, and will replace the HO contract after it is discontinued in April 2013.





      Rule Chapter

      Current Listing Rule

      Expand To

      1st Trade Date for Added Contract Months

      New York Harbor No. 2 Heating Oil Futures



      Listed through January 2013

      Listed through April 2013; Discontinued Thereafter.

      August 22, 2011

      New York Harbor Ultra-Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD) Futures



      Listed through January 2013

      Current year and next 4 consecutive calendar years plus one additional month.

      August  22, 2011


      Should you have any questions, please contact Daniel Brusstar at (212) 299-2604.