Effective for trade date June 15, 2009, the New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc. (“NYMEX” or “Exchange”) will eliminate a secondary aggregation on all natural gas basis contracts and “pipe” option contracts. These amendments are reflected in Appendix A under the column titled “Aggregate Into (2).” In connection with the elimination of the secondary aggregation, NYMEX Rules 9A.26, All Month/Any One Month Accountability Levels, 9A.27, Expiration Month Position Limit, and 9A.27A, Expiration Accountability Level Last Day Contract, are amended accordingly (see attached).
Questions concerning these amendments can be directed to Anthony V. Densieski, Director, Market Surveillance, at 212.299.2881, or Chris Reinhardt, Supervisor, Market Surveillance at 212.299.2884. **PLEASE SEE ATTACHED FOR TABLE**