DATE: August 25, 2015
MKR#: 08-25-15
SUBJECT: Withdrawal of Regularity for Live Cattle Slaughter Plant/Updated 2015 List of Approved Plants
Notice herby is given that The Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. (CME) received a request from Tyson Foods, Inc. to voluntarily withdraw their approved slaughter plant regularity at the following location:
Location | Name | Telephone # |
Denison, IA | Tyson Fresh Meats, Inc. 2490 Lincoln Way (51442) |
712-263-4156 |
This withdrawal is effective immediately.
For a complete list of the updated 2015 Approved Slaughter Plants for Live Cattle, please click here.
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission will be notified of this withdrawal during the week of August 31, 2015 via the weekly notification procedures set out in part 40 of the CFTC Regulations.
Market Surveillance
Terry Gehring (312) 435-3644