Pending all relevant regulatory review periods, this Advisory Notice will supersede CBOT Market Regulation Advisory Notice RA1303-1 from May 28, 2013, and will become effective on August 26, 2013.
It is being reissued based on CBOT adopting a change to the rollover time period associated with the policy applicable to open outcry trading of CBOT Treasury and Interest Rate Swap futures set forth in today’s release of CBOT Market Regulation Advisory Notice RA1305-1.
No other information in this Advisory Notice has been changed.
Please note that the following intermarket spreads may be executed on the trading floor only by eligible members.
The following trading and reporting locations for CBOT financial futures are applicable only during the contract rollover time period as described in today’s release of CBOT RA1305-1. Outside of the rollover time period, members are allowed to bid, offer and trade any Treasury or Swap futures contract from any area of the Treasury futures pit provided that bids and offers originating outside of a particular contract’s trading area are vocally and openly represented in a manner that is clearly transparent to the area of the pit where the product trades.
Spread Trading/Reporting Location
Fed Funds/2-Year Note Fed Funds pit
2-Year Notes/Ultra T-Bond 2-Year Note section
2-Year Note/T-Bond 2-Year Note section
2-Year Note/10-Year Note 2-Year Note section
2-Year Note/5-Year Note 2-Year Note section
3-Year Notes/Ultra T-Bond 2-Year Note section
3-Year Note/T-Bond 2-Year Note section
3-Year Note/10-Year Note 2-Year Note section
3-Year Note/5-Year Note 2-Year Note section
5-Year Note/Ultra T-Bond 5-Year Note section
5-Year Note/T-Bond 5-Year Note section
5-Year Note/10-Year Note 5-Year Note section
10-Year Note/Ultra T-Bond 10-Year Note section
10-Year Note/T-Bond 10-Year Note section
10-Year Note/T-Bond Tandem 10-Year Note section
T-Bond/Ultra T-Bond T-Bond section
5/7/10/30-Year Swaps/any Treasury Futures* Swaps section
5/7/10/30-Year Swaps/Fed Funds Swaps section
These spreads may be traded only in the designated areas at all times and must be reported to the appropriate Trading Floor Operations staff.
Spread Trading/Reporting Location
Options/Underlying future Relevant options pit
T-Bond Options/any Treasury Future* T-Bond Options pit
10-Year Note Options/any Treasury Future* 10-Year Options pit
10-Year Note Options/T-Bond Options 10-Year Options pit
5-Year Note Options/any Treasury Future* 5-Year Options pit
5-Year Note Options/10-Year Note Options 5-Year Options pit
5-Year Note Options/T-Bond Options 5-Year Options pit
2-Year Note Options/any Treasury Future* 2-Year Options pit
2-Year Note Options/5-Year Note Options 2-Year Options pit
2-Year Note Options/10-Year Note Options 2-Year Options pit
2-Year Note Options/T-Bond Options 2-Year Options pit
Ultra Bond Options/Any Treasury Options* T-Bond Options pit
* Treasury Futures include T-Bonds, Ultra Bonds, 10-Year Notes, 5-Year Notes, 3-Year Notes and 2-Year Notes.
These spreads may be traded only in the designated areas at all times and must be reported to the appropriate Trading Floor Operations staff.
Spread Trading/Reporting Location
Soybean Crush Bridge between Oil/Meal pits (report in Oil)
Meal/Oil Bridge between Oil/Meal pits (report in Oil)
Soybeans/Meal Bridge between Oil/Meal pits (report in Oil)
Soybeans/Oil Bridge between Oil/Meal pits (report in Oil)
Meal/Corn Meal pit
Corn/Soybeans Soybean pit
Wheat/Soybeans Wheat pit
Wheat/Corn Wheat pit
Wheat/Oats Wheat pit
Corn/Oats Corn pit
Soybeans/Mini Soybeans Soybean pit
Corn/Mini Corn Corn pit
Wheat/Mini Wheat Wheat pit
Spread Trading/Reporting Location
Bean Options/Meal Options/Oil Options Meal/Oil Options pit
Meal Options/Oil Options Meal/Oil Options pit
Soybean Options/Corn Options Soybean Options pit
Wheat Options/Corn Options Wheat Options pit
Wheat Options/Soybean Options Wheat Options pit
Oil Options/Soybean Options Oil Options pit
Meal Options/Soybean Options Meal Options pit
Meal Options/Corn Options Meal Options pit
Oat Options/Corn Options Oat Options pit
Wheat-Corn Intercommodity Spread Options Wheat Options pit
Soybean-Corn Price Ratio Options Soybean Options pit
MGEX-CBOT Wheat Spread Options Wheat Options pit
Questions regarding this advisory may be directed to the following individuals:
Robert Boruski, Senior Director, Trading Floor Operations, 312.347.5427
Renea Burton, Senior Director, Trading Floor Operations, 312.341.3143
For media inquiries concerning this Advisory Notice, please contact CME Group Corporate Communications at 312.930.3434 or