Effective Monday, March 29, 2010, an additional pre-open session will be added on CME Globex for the following options on futures:
• CBOT Grain
• KCBT Wheat
• MGEX Wheat
• MGEX Wheat Index
• MGEX Corn Index
• MGEX Bean Index
This new pre-open session will be held from 2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. (Chicago Time) Mondays through Fridays and will match the underlying futures' current afternoon pre-open session. Trading hours are available for the aforementioned products online.
As a reminder, a pre-open session is a predetermined time before the trading session opens when customers can begin entering, modifying and canceling orders for the following trading day.
Contact Market Data Operations (MDO) at mdo@cmegroup.com, if you have any questions concerning this notice. Thank you.