Critical System Updates |
Expanded Security Definition Messages for User-Defined Spreads New tags for UDS Security Definition Messages
In addition, tag 600-LegSymbol, in the repeating group tag 555-NoLegs, will now identify the Symbol (tag 55) for each leg. Currently, tag 600 always contains [N/A]. The expanded Security Definition messages will be launched according to the following schedule:
There will be no template changes for this launch. The expanded Security Definition messages are currently available for customer testing in the New Release environment.
The new data blocks will allow customer systems to differentiate actual final settlement prices (based on the trading day’s market activity) from theoretical final settlement prices (based on CME Clearing calculations). Theoretical settlement prices are only sent for instruments without an actual settlement price. The theoretical settlement data blocks are similar to the settlement price data blocks, and will contain the following tags and values:
These new Theoretical Settlement data blocks will be available in New Release for customer testing this Monday, December 13. |
New Functionality | |||||||||
COMEX, NYMEX, and DME Futures Enhancements COMEX, NYMEX, and DME Futures Enhancements
Please note: for the COMEX futures enhancements launch on December 12, customers are asked to please cancel all Good 'Till Cancel (GTC) and Good 'Till Date (GTD) orders for these COMEX futures and futures spreads after their respective closes this Friday, December 10. After 16:15 CT on Friday, December 10, all remaining GTC and GTD orders for these products will be cancelled by the CME Globex Control Center (GCC). GTC and GTD orders for COMEX futures and futures spreads may be re-entered during an extended pre-open period, starting at 15:00 CT, this Sunday, December 12. TAS products will pre-open at their normal time, 16:15 CT. If you have any questions, please contact the CME Globex Control Center at 312.456.2391, in Europe at 44.20.7623.4708, or in Asia at 65.6223.1357. In internal testing environments, the enhancements for COMEX have resulted in significantly reduced message response times. Already among the fastest in the industry, this upgrade is expected to reduce iLink and FIX/FAST response times by an average of 30%. As a result of the reduced message response times, bandwidth utilization in these futures markets is expected to ultimately increase by as much as 30%. The messaging and functionality impacts are documented online in the CME Group recommends all system providers supporting NYMEX, COMEX or DME futures test these changes thoroughly in New Release. |
Product Launches | |||||||||||||||||||||
Please view the Henry Hub Natural Gas Look-Alike Penultimate Financial Futures A new intercommodity spread will also be listed for the Henry Hub Natural Gas futures (tag 1151=HH) vs. the Henry Hub Natural Gas Look-Alike Penultimate Financial futures (tag 1151=HP). These intercommodity spreads will be listed with tag 762-SecuritySubType=IS. The Henry Hub Natural Gas Look-Alike Penultimate Financial future will be available for customer testing in New Release this Monday, December 13, 2010. 7-Year Interest Rate Swap Futures
3-Year Eurodollar Mid-Curve Options Eurodollar Mid-Curve options provide a wide variety of hedging and trading opportunities on the mid-range of the yield curve. Because they are short-dated, they offer a low premium, high time decay option alternative for trading this part of the curve. These new 3-Year Mid-Curve options will be listed with quarterly expirations. These options will be available for New Release for customer testing this Monday, December 13, 2010. Please view the
Please view the
The FX E-Micros are a series of innovative smaller-sized FX contracts, designed to enable retail traders and investors to cost-effectively access the security, transparency and liquidity of CME Group's FX products. The FX E-micro contracts will be one-tenth the size of the corresponding FX contracts, making them accessible to active individual traders, small Commodity Trading Advisers (CTAs), and Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Please view the European Union Allowance Daily vs. In Delivery Month Intercommodity Spreads European Union Allowance Daily vs. In Delivery Month Intercommodity Spreads
The intercommodity spreads will use the value IS in tag 762-SecuritySubType. These are intercommodity spreads between a daily and a monthly future. The spreads will be listed and expired according to the daily future’s schedule. These new futures spreads will be available in New Release for customer testing this Monday, December 13.
Dairy Options
Floor ITC 2.1 ticker tests will be held at approximately 6:45 p.m. (CT) on Friday, December 10 and December 17. Green Exchange Product Migration As previously announced, following the Transition, Green futures products will continue to be available for trading via CME Globex and privately-negotiated transactions accepted for submission for clearing through CME ClearPort. In addition, with the Transition, ten Green options products (currently available for trading on the New York trading floor) will be transitioned to and newly listed for trading on the CME Globex platform. 3-month and 1-month FXVolContracts Futures Please view the |
Product Changes | ||||||||
FIX tag 55-Symbol Change for E-mini S&P SmallCap 600 Futures FIX tag 55-Symbol Change for E-mini S&P SmallCap 600 (SMC)
The E-mini S&P SmallCap 600 (SMC) with the new tag 55 value is now available in New Release for customer testing. Strike Price Listing Rule for RBOB Gasoline Average Price Option Change in the Minimum Trading and Settlement Price Fluctuation for the Daily Natural Gas Option (KD) and 8 Pipe Options
As a result, the ITC Fractional Indicator will be change from 3 to 4. S&P 500 Futures Listing Expansion Early Listing for In Delivery Month European Union Allowance Futures Listing Rules for 2-Year Eurodollar Mid-Curve Options
With this change, the listing cycle will be four quarterly contracts plus two additional serial months. These additional 2-Year Eurodollar Mid-Curve options will be available in New Release for customer testing Monday, December 13, 2010.
The new future will have tag 1151-SecurityGroup=SPX and tag 55-Symbol=08. Settlement prices will be published for the new synthetic future to support customers’ options pricing model. The options (tag 1151=SPO) will identify SPX as the underlying contract in tag 309-UnderlyingSecurityID of the Security Definition (tag 35-MsgType=d) FIX/FAST message.
For options on Soybean Meal futures, strikes will be listed at $5 per ton intervals for the first maturity month only. Soybean Meal options currently list the reduced strike intervals for strike prices less than $200 per ton; with this change, for the front month only, the reduced intervals will be listed for the entire strike range.
This change will make the contract listings at CME Group consistent with the expanded contract listings recently announced at the Singapore Exchange (SGX), and preserve customers' ability to capitalize on the Mutual Offset System (MOS) agreement between CME and SGX. The new future quarterly contracts will be available for customer testing in New Release on Monday, December 20. |
S&P Launches and Changes | ||||||||||||
New S&P Real Time Indices New S&P Real-time Indices
New S&P Real Market Data Platform Channel With this migration, the following ITC 2.1 Specification changes will occur for all S&P indexes, which will be disseminated on MDP channel 109:
The new MDP Channel 109 and ITC 2.1 Specification changes will be available for customer testing in production parallel until February 25, 2011. On Monday, February 28, 2011, all S&P Indices will be disseminated solely on MDP channel 109. |
Events & Announcements |
CME Group E-mail Survey Help us provide you with more relevant and meaningful E-mail communications. The survey will take no longer than 10 minutes to complete and upon completion, you will be entered into a drawing to win a $50 gift certificate to CME Co-Location Services Details
If you are interested in having the lowest possible latency connection to the CME Globex platform, contact your
CME Co-Location Briefing Center Now Open For your convenience, the CME Co-Location Briefing Center is now open and located at 141 West Jackson in Chicago, IL. The Briefing Center includes displays of:
Conference room facilities are also available. To access the Briefing Center, an appointment is needed. Please contact your |