As previously announced, to accommodate continued growth, CME Group has expanded its infrastructure and moved its CME Globex platform to a new state-of-the-art facility identified as data center 3. Phase 1 of the data center migration was completed as of August 8, 2010, where customers connected to the Globex data center using their new Production iLink IP addresses. As part of the Phase 2 of the data center migration in October, CME Group will migrate existing CME DIRECTLink, CME LNet, and Jackson Direct customer circuits from their current locations to the new data center.
Detailed information on this migration is available online.
In addition, the ITC 2.1 Market Data Platform channels are also impacted and will have new DC3 source IP addresses.
A client impact overview is also available.
The ITC 2.1 Market Data Platform channels are not currently in the config.xml file, for additional information please contact your Global Account Manager.
Second Mock Trading Session
The second post- migration mock trading session, to ensure customers can access all CME Group applications, will be offered October 9, 8:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Central time. An overview of the mock trading session is now available. Customers must register online to participate.
If you have any questions regarding this migration, please contact your Global Account Manager at 312.634.8700 in the U.S.; +44 (0) 20 7796 7100 in Europe; or +852.3101.7696 in Asia.