• New Open Outcry Codes Update - Effective July 26, 2010

      • To
      • Quote Vendors
      • From
      • Market Data Notices
      • #
      • Q2010-153
      • Notice Date
      • 09 July 2010
      • Effective Date
      • 26 July 2010
    • Due to customer demand, effective trade date July 26, 2010, new open outcry trading codes will be made available for both CBOT Denatured Fuel Ethanol futures and CBOT Distillers’ Dried Grain (DDG) futures. Ethanol Futures already has the open outcry code “AC” assigned to it from its past as an open outcry based product. This code will be re-activated.  DDG futures were launched on April 26, 2010 as an electronic only product. The open outcry code “DGF” will be assigned to DDG futures.


      Open Outcry codes are being assigned to facilitate the trading of the “corn crush” on the CBOT trading open outcry.  The corn crush, which is a spread trade between Corn, Ethanol, and DDG futures, is similar to the soybean crush, which is a spread trade between Soybean, Soybean Oil, and Soybean Meal futures. The side-by-side listed products will be available for open outcry between 9:30 am - 1:15 pm Central Time Monday through Friday. Additional information on the “Corn Crush” will be available in forthcoming Market Data Notices.