CME ClearView

CME ClearView

Access CME ClearView

CME Clearing has launched a new, innovative application, CME ClearView, to give you better insight into the delivery status of intraday and end-of-day files we produce.

CME ClearView will show you a list key reports, including SPAN, trade registers, and margin reports, as well as details about the reports. Get notifications showing the status, estimated time of arrival, whether the file is delayed and when the file has been published. You can also choose to get email alerts that will inform you any time CME Clearing publishes an update for specific reports.

Get Started

To start using CME ClearView, you must have a CME Group Login.

Request a CME Group Login

If you already have a CME Group Login, contact us for CME ClearView access.

Request Access Now

Reports Available

Report Category

Type of Report


Fee reports by asset class


Futures and options reports: exercise/assignments, positions

Deliveries reports: exercise /assignments, positions, deliveries


Intraday-specific reports for CME Group and CME Europe

Interest Rate Swaps

Trades/positions, prices, margins


Settlement price files for futures


SPAN risk parameter files


Settlement variation/margin and asset numbers

Getting Access

The application will be available from 1 p.m. Central Time (CT) Sunday to midnight on Friday and is available to users with a SmartClick ID.

Firms should contact the EASE team with a list of SmartClick IDs that require access to the application.

Contact EASE.

Using CME ClearView

Once you have registered to access CME ClearView, you can navigate to the program from our CME Customer Center.

CME ClearView is available under the Post Trade menu. 

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