CME Chat

Message with confidence

Collaborate with global market participants using CME Chat. Built to support your workflows over a secure, fast and integrated network. CME Chat is available via CME Group Login for cross-platform applications such as CME Direct and CME Direct Mobile.

Why CME Chat?

Centralized Communication

  • Connect to CME Group’s trading community or to Eikon Messenger's 300,000 verified global users
  • Create and monitor chat rooms
  • Streamline communication with counterparties and customers with customized blast messages

Quick Tools

  • Automatically capture and archive all messages – and easily search for history or keywords
  • Quickly create and receive parsed pricing quotes that facilitate trade entry
  • Set up Quick Key messages to create your own shorthand and communicate faster

Enhanced Integrations

  • Seamlessly integrate with best-in-class compliance programs through our third-party partnerships
  • Integrated QuikStrike analytics


  • Create alerts on keywords, counterparty availability, and counterparty messages
  • Receive user-defined liquidity and block trade alerts from CME Group markets

See what CME Chat can do for you

    CME Chat Registration

    Firms that are not currently registered for CME Chat can follow the New Firm & User Registration instructions.

    To add new users at a previously registered CME Chat firm, follow the Additional User Registration instructions.

    Step 1: Please confirm with your company's compliance department if CME Chat/IM tool has been approved before submitting the CME Chat Registration form.

    Step 2: Firm will need to designate at least two Verification Officers* (VO); a person who is authorized to Add/Modify/Delete user access for the firm.  This is a required field on the registration form and is noted as a Verification Officer. 

    *Verification Officer

    • A person authorized by a firm to ADD/Modify/Delete access for CME Chat users
    • This person may be a compliance officer at the firm

    Step 3: All users and Verification Officers need to create and activate a CME Group Login ID; if they don’t already have these established, they can  Register for a CME Group Login ID and set up the multi-factor authentication. See the CME Group Login ID User Guide for more information.

    Step 4: Designated Verification Officer to submit the CME Chat New Firm Registration Form

    Try CME Chat on CME Direct

    If you need CME Chat via CME Direct, a firm will need to register for CME Direct.

    Learn about CME Direct registration

    If your firm is already registered, your firm's verification officer can add a user.

    Add a user

    Step 1: All new users need to create and activate a CME Group Login ID, if they don’t already have one. Register for a CME Group Login ID and set up the multi-factor authentication. See the CME Group Login ID User Guide for more information.

    Step 2: The CME Chat Verification Officer needs to submit a CME Chat Additional User Registration Form

    More Resources

    Technical Support

    United States: +1 800 438 8616

    Europe: +44 20 7623 4747

    Asia: +65 6532 5010