Account Name | Trading End Balance | Total Commissions including Volume Penalties | Final Balance |
Indiana University UG Enron | $2,056,553.00 | $25.00 | $2,056,528.00 |
ITESM UG Mezcal Vibes | $1,605,395.00 | $235.00 | $1,605,160.00 |
ESLSCA Business School GR BIG FOURTASTIC | $1,527,887.50 | $16,932.50 | $1,510,955.00 |
ITESO UG Tequila Shots | $1,302,160.00 | $360.00 | $1,301,800.00 |
Luiss Guido Carli University of Rome GR Luiss Blue Bell | $1,299,062.50 | $2,280.00 | $1,296,782.50 |
Daily results are subject to revision.
NOTE: If it is discovered at any time before, during or after the competition that a team/individual does not meet ALL of the requirements listed above, that team/individual will be immediately disqualified and will forfeit any prizes.
Eligibility to receive competition prizes is only open to residents in the United States (US), Canada (CA) excluding Quebec, United Kingdom (UK), Germany (DE), Netherlands (NL), Switzerland (CH), Republic of Korea (KR), Taiwan (TW), and Japan (JP).
All participants must follow the outlined rules, regulations and requirements throughout the duration of the challenge.
Click here for complete CME Group University Trading Challenge rules, regulations and requirements.
Teams will be able to trade all of the supported CME Group futures products through CME Globex on CQG’s trading applications during the competition.
Competition products include futures contracts from the following asset classes:
Teams will use CQGOne and Mobile trading platforms to execute trade on the CME Globex platform. CQG will provide access to the technical analysis and trading software. Video trainings as well as helpful tips are located at
For general challenge inquiries and questions related to registration, or to be included in our email distributions, contact:
CME Group Trading Challenge Team
For specific questions related to the electronic trading platform and challenge specifications, contact:
CQG Support