Process Summary: BrokerTec New Release Testing Setup

CME Group requires that all client systems are certified by AutoCert+, the CME Group API certification tool that is used to test API conformance for Order Entry, Market Data, Drop Copy, and Straight-Through Processing (STP) systems. CME Request Center NR/Cert is used to create and view requests for CME Globex entities and Clearing information for use during certification testing. CME Group offers two customer testing environments, Certification and New Release.

Note: Currently, certification testing for BrokerTec functionality can only be performed in the New Release environment.

BrokerTec customers who are new to using AutoCert+ and CME Request Center NR/Cert must complete the following steps:

  1. Secure connectivity to CME Group’s Globex New Release environment. See the CME Globex New Release Environment Onboarding document for details.
  2. Ensure that you have registered a CME Group Login for each user requiring access to the CME Group testing environments.
  3. Provide your CME Global Account Manager (GAM) with your CME Group Login(s).

Your account manager enables access to the test environment and entitles users to the respective firms.

  1. Log into CME Request Center NR/Cert using your CME Group Login.
  2. Submit company details for approval. You may proceed to the next step prior to receiving this approval.

Note: From the Market drop-down, select BrokerTec.

  1. Create an application system profile and submit it for approval.
  2. Create additional users if necessary.

CME Group reviews and approves submitted company details, application system details and users.

  1. Create Globex Firm IDs (GFID) and Globex User Signatures (GUS).

Note: Some GFID(s) may have been prepopulated by CME Group.

  1. Create Order Entry, Drop Copy, and Market Data sessions as needed using the GFID created in the previous step.
  2. Register Services. This step is required for the STP service only. If testing only Globex, this step can be skipped.
  3. Create secure key pairs for iLink and Drop Copy sessions.
  4. Create a canonical FIX message for iLink and Drop Copy sessions and populate the HMAC signature for logon.
  1. See IP / Port details.
  2. Subscribe to receive Test Environment Notifications.
  3. Begin testing using the available AutoCert+ test suites.