Service Registration

Note: Service registration forms can be submitted once the company details request has a status of Submitted.

  1. To submit a service registration form:
  1. From the Administration menu, select Service Registration.

  1. Select a company in the "Company" drop-down.
  2. Select "Add Service Registration."


  1. The Service Registration Form dialog displays.

Enter the following information:

  • Which CME Service will be developed to or tested? - CME Group provides a critical array of services for trades transacted upon CME trading platforms and reported to CME Clearing.


  • Full Legal Name of Entity or Company - CME Group provides a critical array of services for trades transacted upon CME trading platforms and reported to CME Clearing.
  • Developer / Tester CME Group ID - ID of the individual developing and/or testing an application, which is created by an individual but assigned by CME Group to access specific CME Group applications and services. The CME STP Trade View interface requires a CME Group Login ID to be specified for all Verification Officers and Application Users. Please ensure each of these individuals has created and activated a CME Group Login ID through the CME Group Login Registration Process.
  • Preferred Protocol (Select One) - FIX or FIXML are the 2 preferred protocols for CME STP. (FIX) protocol is an electronic communications protocol initiated in 1992 for international real-time exchange of information related to securities transactions and markets. FIXML is the XML encoding used within FIX & is widely adopted for derivatives post trade clearing, settlement & reporting. 4 attributes (FIX version number, Schema Release Date, FIXML Extension Version & Custom Application Version) must be included on the FIXML element of each message sent to the CME STP and will appear on all FIXML messages sent by the API.
  • Business Rationale
  • Are you utilizing an ISV? - More information is needed pertaining to the Vendor being used if the answer to this question is 'Yes' and will appear below.
  • ISV Firm Name - Name of the Independent Software Vendor offering the application service.
  • Is this a Hosting ISV? - Independent Software Vendor who offers and supports the application system within its own dedicated environments and/or service.
  • Is Support available during all Trading Hours? - Hours which CME Group are opento conduct trading across its various venues which include Globex, ClearPort & Floor vary by product and venue.
  • Trade Submission Venue (Select all that apply). - Describes the trade submission models (Dual-Side or Single-Side) supported by CME ClearPort. Dual-Side Trade Submissions include buy side and sell side details of the trade to be cleared by CME Clearing. Single-Side Trade Submissions involve details for only single-sided trades.

(Globex, ClearPort, CME STP Bace)

  • Other Comments
  • SenderSub ID (STP API ID) - SenderSubID is AKA Tag 50 ID and STP API ID. A Tag 50, or Operator ID, is a user ID that uniquely identifies a party that accesses and submits messages to CME Globex. The clearing member who guarantees the CME Globex connection for the party is responsible for ensuring the uniqueness of the Tag 50 ID issued to the party. For purposes of Straight Through Processing (STP) the Sender Sub ID indicates the assigned value used to identify specific message originator (user) within a firm. This value must match the username sent via HTTP Basic authentication, must be in all uppercase letters & is required in all messages sent by FIX Clients to CME STP & always is unencrypted.
  • Client Software Solution Type (Select all that apply). Required for entitlements - Trading Firm (R="7"), Broker Firm (Name of Broker Firm for the Reporting Trading Firm) (R="30"), Asset Management Firm (Name of Asset Manager for the Reporting Trading Firm) (R="49").
  1. Select Submit.

The request is then routed to the Global Account Management (GAM) team for approval. You will receive an email with the status of the request (Approved, Denied) when the request has been processed.