Index Futures Contracts | Underlying Index (Bloomberg) | CME BTIC Ticker (Tradeable) | CME Outright Ticker (Non-Tradeable) | Bloomberg BTIC Front Month | TR-RIC Root |
S&P 500 Total Return futures | SPTR Index | TRB | TRI | TVBA Index | 0#TBR |
AIR S&P 500 Total Return (EFFR) futures | SPTR Index | AST | ASR | AXWA Index | 1AYT |
AIR S&P 500 Total Return (SOFR) futures | SPTR Index | ASPT | ASPR | TXOA Index | POAT |
AIR FTSE 100 Total Return (EFFR) futures | UKXDUK | AFT | AFR | AFTA Index | FAT |
XNDX Index |
QATA <Index> |
A2T |
RU10INTR Index |
MATA <Index> |
RU20INTR Index |
A2T |
A2R |
RATA <Index> |
A2T |
DJITR Index |
DATA <Index> |
Suppose that two market participants want to transact a BTIC block trade for S&P 500 Total Return Index futures based on the closing index value of the S&P 500 Total Return (SPTR) Index. The market participants agree to the following terms:
Within five (5) minutes of the two counterparties agreeing to the trade, both sides of the trade must be price reported to CME Direct or CME ClearPort.
Vanilla S&P 500 Total Return Index futures are also BTIC-eligible and follow these same general steps.