The EBS Report

Spot | Forwards | NDFs | Metals

Welcome to the inaugural edition of The EBS Report. Find out what’s trending, what themes we’re seeing in our markets, new products and services we’re launching, and how our technology re-platforming is progressing.

  • 12 Oct 2020
  • By CME Group

Stay connected to innovation at EBS


$63.2B traded on EBS
$79.5B traded in CME FX futures and options  

Note: EBS total volume excludes FWDs and Swaps

Future plans for EBS: Watch the webinar

Everything you need to know about the future plans for EBS can be found within the portal – the designs, details, and planned dates for the technological changes at EBS – and why we’re making them.

Trade EBS: Get ready for the new Workstation

The new and improved Workstation is ready for release and ready for Global Access users to migrate to by December 11, 2020, commencing the on-going roll out of more features and functionality over time.

EBS Direct: Significant increase in forwards trading

EBS Direct – our dedicated platform for relationship trading where participants can choose to disclose or trade anonymously with their counterparts – is seeing an increase in forwards trading, up by 24% in September, YoY.

Read the FX Report

Read everything you need to know about CME listed futures, options, and FX Link.

Quant Analytics: Expanded to now include FX futures

In a major milestone for the integration of EBS cash and CME listed FX futures, users can now see how these two markets compare, over time, at top-of-book, and across 11 currencies.

See the tool


Read our commitment to the FX Global Code of Conduct

EBS Institutional: New partnership with IHS Markit – thinkFolio

EBS Institutional (EBSI) has connected with IHS Markit’s thinkFolio solution, enabling thinkFolio clients to access the liquidity and services available through this platform – our fully automated execution management system (EMS) – built for the buy-side to reduce trading costs and enhance performance.