Discover a cost-effective way to trade metals with Molybdenum Oxide (Platts) futures, allowing you to forward hedge your molybdenum price risk using a centrally cleared, cash-settled financial instrument. As a key material, molybdenum helps improve the corrosion resistance of stainless steel to strength, toughness, hardenability, and weldability of steel materials used across many industries. 

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Features and benefits

Mitigate risk of adverse price moves

Help protect profit margins and minimize risk as demand increases on a battery metal expected to play a key role in the green energy position.

Trade up to the next calendar year

The creation of a futures contract helps establish a forward price curve, which in turn enables long-term hedging strategies.

Benchmark to a key industry reference point

Trade using a central point of price discovery based on the Platts assessment trusted for metals pricing.


Trade the world’s benchmark commodities

Get cost-efficient access to the opportunities of commodities markets with the world's benchmark products and precise, real-time prices – all in one place.

Explore this product in depth

CME Direct trading grid

If you are already a CME Direct user, you can easily download and apply the CME Direct grid for Molybdenum Oxide futures.

  1. Right click on the buttons below
  2. Save the files as an .XML on your computer
  3. In CME Direct, select import view in the main menu
  4. Import the grid into CME Direct

View the latest insights on trends in the Metals market.


Introduction to Molybdenum

Learn more about Molybdenum Oxide (Platts) futures, the functions of a futures contract, including the benefits of a standardized, exchange-traded contracts.

Contact a metals expert

Connect with a member of our expert metals team for more information about Molybdenum Oxide futures.

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