Weekly Energy options

Manage risk and maintain exposure efficiently with short-term options on crude oil and natural gas benchmarks every day of the trading week.

Add flexibility at a lower premium

Enjoy lower option premiums when targeting shorter periods of risk, coupled with precise hedging on physical or financial positions.

Tap into leading Energy options liquidity

Trade the most liquid Crude Oil and Natural Gas Weekly options markets.

Turn short-term risk into an opportunity

Precisely manage volatility surrounding events like OPEC+ meetings, EIA reports, geopolitical shifts, cargo-loading windows, weather and weekend risk.

Manage risk, maintain exposure when volatility strikes

With their shorter-term maturities and lower premiums, Weekly Energy options offer the most precise, cost-effective tools for managing short-term price risk strategically without disrupting existing exposure. Use them to complement longer-dated crude oil and natural gas positions in your Energy portfolio, to hedge short-term price risk related to market-moving events.

Enjoy more ways to manage short-term risk

Choose from options expirations available every day of the week for crude oil and natural gas.

See how traders are using Weekly options

Learn how other market participants use Weekly options to manage event risk and reduce portfolio volatility.

Learn how to hedge event-driven risk over a weekend and into the following week using WTI Weekly options.

Explore how to use WTI Weekly options to hedge oil risk and express views around market-moving events, with precision and lower premiums.

Discover how to effectively manage price risk in the global crude oil market using Weekly option expirations.

Learn how to combine weekly and monthly expiries to hedge or express short-term views on oil price or volatility.

How can traders use Weekly options to navigate volatility around increasingly prevalent weather events?

Explore how combining directional trades and volatility plays using Natural Gas Weekly options can effectively hedge against price fluctuations and maximize profits.

Vendor codes

WTI Crude Oil Monday ML1-ML5 IMLA Comdty LO CL
WTI Crude Oil Tuesday NL1-NL5 IOLA Comdty
WTI Crude Oil Wednesday WL1-WL5 IWLA Comdty
WTI Crude Oil Thursday XL1-XL5 IZLA Comdty
WTI Crude Oil Friday LO1-LO5 CLWA Comdty
Micro WTI Crude Oil MW1-MW5 WWIA Comdty MCO MCL
Brent Crude Oil BW1-BW5 BZCA Comdty BZO BZ

Natural Gas (Physical) Friday ON1-ON5 ONWA Comdty ON NG
Natural Gas (Financial) Friday LN1-LN5 LNSA Comdty LN NG
Natural Gas Monday HN1-HN5 HSIA Comdty
Natural Gas Tuesday IN1-IN5  HZCA Comdty
Natural Gas Wednesday JN1-JN5 HZDA Comdty
Natural Gas Thursday KN1-KN5 HZIA Comdty

Tools for your trading strategy

Build and refine your trading strategies with free pricing and analytics tools for Weekly Energy options.

CME Direct

Trade the markets all on one screen

Access the world's only liquid Crude Oil Weekly options market on CME Direct, a one-stop trading platform for futures, options and blocks.

  1. Right click on the titles above and save the files as an .xml to your computer. 
  2. Import the grids into CME Direct with the Import View in the main menu.


Get our experts' perspectives on current trends.

Understand how Weekly WTI options work

Learn important details about Weekly WTI Crude Oil options and what you need to know to optimize use of these contracts alongside your current strategies.

Contact an Energy expert

Connect with a member of our expert Energy team for more information about our products.

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