Black Sea futures and options
Manage risk, facilitate price discovery, and capture market opportunities with Black Sea Wheat, Corn, and Sunflower Oil futures and options.
Cash-settled futures and options
Cash-settled Black Sea futures and options track some of the world’s most important cash markets, so you can manage price exposure.
Manage price exposure
Manage price exposure in Russia, Ukraine, and the wider Black Sea wheat, corn, and sunflower oil markets.
More spread opportunities
Use as financially settled futures or options, or find spread opportunities with other Grain or Oilseed contracts.
Black Sea News and Events
Get the latest updates on the Black Sea futures and options market with product news and information, macro trends, and more.
Black Sea products
Black Sea Wheat, Corn, and Sunflower Oil futures and options are cash-settled to their respective daily Platts price assessments and complement existing CBOT Grain and Oilseed contracts.
December 2021 International Grains Report
View and compare performance of international grain products with at-a-glance data.
CME Direct
Gain access to the CME Group futures, options, and block markets on one screen ‒ using this fast, secure, and highly configurable trading front-end.
CME ClearPort
Access a flexible suite of clearing services and capabilities and gain the advantages of security, efficiency, and confidence.
Tools for your trading strategy
Explore our industry-leading tools to gain insights that inform the way you trade.
Open Interest Profile Tool
Analyze open interest and open interest change patterns for each expiration within the selected product.
Other tools for the trade
Master the Black Sea market
Take self-guided courses on Grains and Oilseeds
If you’re new to futures, the courses below can help you quickly understand the Black Sea market and start trading.
Contact us
Connect with a member of our expert team by emailing us at to get more information about our products.