What’s New
Contract Specifications
- What is the commodity code for 1-Ounce Gold futures?
- What contract months are listed for trading?
- When is a new contract month listed for trading?
- What is the pricing quotation for 1OZ futures?
- What is the minimum trading price fluctuation?
- What is the minimum settlement price fluctuation?
- What is the last trading day for a 1OZ futures contract month?
- How is 1OZ futures settled?
- Is 1OZ futures block eligible?
- What is the matching algorithm for 1OZ futures?
- Through which market channel is 1OZ futures available?
- What are the position limits for 1OZ futures?
Fees and margin details
- What are the fees for 1OZ futures?
- What are the margin requirements for 1OZ futures?
- Are there margin offsets for 1OZ futures?
General information
What’s new
1. What is the 1-Ounce Gold (1OZ) futures contract?
1-Ounce Gold futures is a smaller-sized Gold futures contract that is cash settled to the 100 troy ounce Gold futures contract.
2. Where is the contract listed?
The contract is listed on COMEX and available for trading on Globex and submission for clearing via ClearPort.
Contract specifications
3. What is the commodity code for 1-Ounce Gold futures?
The Globex and ClearPort code is 1OZ.
4. What contract months are listed for trading?
Monthly contracts are listed for any February, April, June, August, October and December within a 24-month period.
5. When is a new contract month listed for trading?
A new contract month is listed for trading on the last business day of the month following an expiry.
6. What is the pricing quotation for 1OZ futures?
1OZ futures are priced in dollars and cents per troy ounce.
7. What is the minimum trading price fluctuation?
The minimum trading price fluctuation is $0.25 per troy ounce.
8. What is the minimum settlement price fluctuation?
The minimum settlement price fluctuation is $0.25 per troy ounce rounded to the nearest tradable tick.
9. What is the last trading day for a 1OZ futures contract month?
The last trading day for 1OZ futures is the third last business day of the month prior to the contract month.
10. How is 1OZ futures settled?
Please view the settlement procedures.
11. Is 1OZ futures block eligible?
Yes, the minimum block threshold is 25 contracts subject to a 15-minute reporting window.
12. What is the matching algorithm for 1OZ futures?
The matching algorithm is FIFO 100%.
13. Through which market channel is 1OZ futures available?
1OZ futures real-time market data is available on MDP Channel 360 and Gold futures historical data is available through DataMine.
14. What are the position limits for 1OZ futures?
As 1OZ futures terminates prior to the spot month position limit effective period for Gold futures, spot month position limits are not applicable for this contract.
Fees and margin details
15. What are the fees for 1OZ futures?
Fees can be found on the CME Group Fee Schedule.
16. What are the margin requirements for 1OZ futures?
Exchange margin requirements may be found on cmegroup.com. Please note that clearing firms may require a margin level beyond CME Clearing’s minimum requirement.
17. Are there margin offsets for 1OZ futures?
View information for margin and margin offsets.
General information
18. How can I trade 1OZ futures?
If you have an existing relationship with a futures broker, but do not see 1OZ futures tickers on your trading platform, reach out to your broker to enable trading. If you do not have a futures brokerage account, please see the following question.
19. Where can I open an account?
To trade 1OZ futures offered by CME Group, you need an account with a futures broker that is licensed to execute futures trades. In the derivatives business, brokerage firms are known as either a futures commission merchant (FCM) or an introducing broker (IB). Use Find a Broker to view a list of brokers that offer clients access to trade Gold futures products. Once the account is set up for 1OZ futures and funded, you are ready to trade.
20. Where can I find rules pertaining to 1OZ futures?
The rules pertaining to 1OZ futures can be found in COMEX Rulebook Chapter 131.
21. Where can I see prices for 1OZ futures?
Delayed quotes are available on cmegroup.com and through major quote vendors.
22. How can I access Globex?
To access Globex, you must have a relationship with a CME Clearing member firm.
23. Is the 1OZ futures contract subject to circuit breakers?
Yes, 1OZ futures are an associated product to Gold futures and therefore subject to circuit breakers. The special price fluctuation limits table is available on our website.
All examples in this report are hypothetical interpretations of situations and are used for explanation purposes only. The views in this report reflect solely those of the author and not necessarily those of CME Group or its affiliated institutions. This report and the information herein should not be considered investment advice or the results of actual market experience.